Join Us For The Next
Mrs International Pageant

July 18th and 19th , 2025


The Accomplishments
Of Today's
Married Women®

Mrs. Central States International®

Morgan Bredde - Top 16

1.If you were famous what would your stage name be?
Disappointment, failure, and mistakes serve as amazing teachers and even better motivators. A wise friend once told me that though we may all fall short of the Glory of God, it is the most humbling way to recognize that you can do better. I spent most of my adult life striving for perfection, but I have learned that my children will thrive off of an example of resilience and grace, not perfection.

2.If you would attend a celebrity wedding which, would it be?
Being a “Disney-family” is the only way that ‘mouse’ and ‘perfect day’ could be in the same sentence! Nothing makes me happier than revisiting my first date with my husband, now accompanied by our Irish-Twin boys. We visit Disney so much that we ended up buying property there—just to get a dose of magic whenever we wanted. And of course, we’re that family in matching t-shirts and ears to boot.

3.What is the weirdest gift you’ve ever received?
A father who had lost his newborn son once told me about the gift of “ ordinary”. To some, it isn’t enough. But, he helped me realize that some people, especially families of children with life-limiting conditions would wish for nothing more than being “ordinary”.It is, in fact, a gift. I make a difference by recognizing the gift of ordinary, but choosing to do extraordinary things—and in turn encouraging others to do the same.

4.What is the most random fact you know?
When I married my husband, my mother passed down a cast-iron skillet to me. While it’s certainly no secret that I’m culinarily-challenged, it serves as a reminder of what women in my family are: strong, dependable, resilient, and timeless.

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